The Two Harbors system offers over 700 moorings and anchorages in more than a dozen different sites in the Catalina Island area, including Isthmus, Fourth of July, and Cherry Coves, Emerald Bay, Howland’s Landing, Little Geiger, White’s Landing, Moonstone, Hen Rock, Buttonshell, Catalina Harbor and Wells Beach (collectively, “Two Harbors”). These Rules and Regulations have been adopted for the safe, secure, and efficient operation of Two Harbors and shall apply to all persons, vehicles, vessels, mooring sublessees, guests, invitees, and other public users of the Two Harbors’ anchorages, moorings, coves, facilities and marina area. A copy of the Rules and Regulations will be posted in the Catalina Mooring Service office in Two Harbors village at all times and will be available for reference at Operator (defined below) reserves the right to make any additions, deletions, or corrections to the Rules and Regulations at any time.
Two Harbors is managed by Island Recreation Enterprises, LLC through its manager Catalina Island Company (“Operator”), operating under the names Two Harbors Harbor Department (“Harbor Department”) and Catalina Mooring Service. All users of Two Harbors shall comply with the directions of any employee of the Harbor Department, including, but not limited to Harbor Patrol staff, the Harbor Clerk, Mooring Manager, Harbor Office Assistant, Harbor Department Manager, Harbor Office Manager, and/or the Managing Director.
Use of the Two Harbors ocean area is conditioned upon and deemed a consent to, and agreement to follow, these Rules and Regulations. Users are responsible and liable for any and all damage to persons or property resulting or arising from their acts, failures to act, and/or omissions. Violators of these Rules and Regulations or the terms of applicable moorage agreements shall be subject to administrative action that may include, but is not limited to, moorage agreement cancellation, penalty charges, removal of vessel and/or equipment, impoundment and/or sale of vessel and equipment, loss of the right to remain at Two Harbors and/or referral to law enforcement agencies.
Mooring Subleases
Vessel owners seeking an annual mooring arrangements should contact Operator to inquire about entering into a Mooring Site Sublease and Service Contract (“Sublease”). All vessel owners seeking moorage at Two Harbors must enter into a Sublease or a short term moorage agreement with Catalina Mooring Service or the Harbor Department, and must pay, in advance, all fees, deposits, and taxes as required by the Catalina Mooring Service, the Harbor Department and by the Sublease or any other moorage agreement. These Rules and Regulations are incorporated into each and every mooring agreement and a violation of these Rules and Regulation shall be a violation of the Sublease or other mooring agreement.
Short Term Mooring Reservations
Every Thursday at 4:00 pm, availability will be loaded for the coming weekend. Inventory will be available until the following Monday;
A booking fee will be added to all applicable mooring fees during regular weekends (see fee schedule below);
Additional booking fees may incur on holiday weekends, including Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day.
A 2-night minimum stay is required during regular weekends. Holiday weekends require a 3-day minimum stay;
The Harbor Department can extend your stay in Two Harbors after check-in;
You need to book online using this link:;
Reservations are non-refundable and do not guarantee a mooring within a specific cove;
The Harbor Department reserves the right to reassign your mooring at any time;
Trading moorings within a cove or between coves shall not be permitted without prior approval by the Harbor Department;
This system can be used for the coming weekend only;
The foregoing policies and procedures are all subject to change without notice.
Permitted Vessels
Vessels moored and/or anchored shall be of conventional pleasure craft design and self-propelled. Crafts of unconventional design, such as barges, floats, houseboats, etc., shall not be permitted. The Harbor Department shall have sole discretion in determining whether a vessel is permitted to moor or anchor in the Two Harbors area. Rowboats, skiffs, dinghies, kayaks, canoes, paddle boards, personal watercraft, rafts and all other floatation devices shall be stored on or tied to the vessel and must not be used in a way that creates a navigational hazard or interferes with other vessel use. Sailing in the mooring areas is not allowed. Sailboats must enter and leave mooring areas under self-propelled power.
Attaching a Mooring
Vessel operators shall use a pole to attach the Bow Hawser (approximately 6 feet below the surface) to the Bow Cleat and then run a Spreader Line to the vessel’s Stern. The Spreader Line shall be attached to the Bow Hawser and, after removing slack from Spreader Line, the Stern Hawser shall be attached to the Stern Cleat. Mooring lines should not over-tightened. Vessel operators can tie off on the Spreader Line and do not need to attach the Stern Hawser, as the mooring may be rigged for a larger vessel. Vessel operators shall re-check Bow and Stern Cleats to make sure the vessel is moored securely and shall keep the slack Spreader Line on the vessel in order to keep the line clean. Due to tidal changes, mooring lines may need to be adjusted periodically to add or remove slack. Vessel operators are responsible for any damage to the mooring during the period of time covered by the mooring agreement and any other use of the mooring.
Leaving a Mooring
Vessel operators shall first untie the Stern Line, then the Bow Line, although wind conditions may require this to be done in the reverse order. These Lines, and the Spreader Line, shall then be dropped into the water. To prevent fouling, time should be allowed for the Lines to sink free and clear of the vessel propeller which should be double-checked to confirm it is clear of lines before proceeding. If the propeller is fouled, please call the Harbor Patrol on VHF Channel 9 for assistance.
span style="font-weight:bold">Anchoring
Anchoring is only permitted 100 yards outside the mooring area. Vessels shall anchor bow and stern, or with two bow anchors. Personal Watercrafts (PWC’s) are not permitted to anchor between the beach and any mooring field in the Administered Lands. The Two Harbors anchorage areas are administered by the Harbor Department. Any vessel may be shifted within the anchorage grounds for safety or convenience by the Harbor Department. No anchoring may exceed 14 days. Please contact the Harbor Patrol via VHF 9 or (310) 510-4253 to confirm whether or not a proposed anchorage will be permitted.
Mooring Lines
Vessel owners are required to keep adequate size line in good condition in order to properly secure their vessels. A minimum of four (4) mooring lines are recommended where practical: a bow line, a stern line, and two spring lines should be provided. No vessel may create a navigational hazard for the marina. In the event of storm or high winds, Operator may, but shall not be obligated to, replace worn lines, add additional lines, and take other measures to protect vessels as required. The vessel owner may be charged for any such necessary replacement of lines or actions.
Vessel Maintenance
All vessels moored or anchored in Two Harbors shall be sound and properly maintained so as not to create or present a danger to public safety or cause damage to property or other vessels or persons aboard such vessels. No major repair or reconstruction work that would ordinarily be done in a boat repair facility shall be performed in Two Harbors and no materials from any maintenance work shall be allowed to enter the water or become airborne. Sanding, spray painting, bottom painting and paint removal, and engine and hull washing are strictly prohibited. No materials shall be stored or permitted on the vessel which result in noxious odors. Halyards and other equipment shall be secured so as to prevent unnecessary noise. Decks must be kept clear of any clutter, rubbish, debris, or parts and/or equipment relating to the marine environment so as allow clear passage and access by emergency personnel.
Engine Pollution; Pollution Reduction
Boat engines must be in compliance with all applicable pollution control requirements. Mooring sublessees and other users must use best efforts to reduce air and water pollution.
Safety Equipment
Operator shall not be responsible or liable in any way for the safety or condition of vessels, their contents, or any equipment or items. Vessel operators are required to familiarize themselves with the location of safety systems and equipment on their vessels and in the area of their moorage including fire extinguishers, fire standpipe stations, and life rings. All Two Harbors safety equipment is for emergency use only. Any tampering with or misuse of Two Harbors safety equipment should be reported at once to the Harbor Department.
In the event of any threat to human life, safety, property, or in the event of any other emergency, please contact the Harbor Patrol on VHF 9 or (310) 510-4253. Mechanics at the Two Harbors Outboard Shop are available year-round to work on all major brands of engines and boats. To contact the Outboard Shop, call (310) 510-4212 or hail on VHF 18A.
Waste Disposal
Deposit or discharge of garbage, food scraps, sewage, grey water, trash, waste materials, oil, fuel, debris, or other materials in the water or on land areas of Two Harbors other than in designated containers, is strictly prohibited. Dumpsters and recycling bins are located on the east side of Two Harbors behind the restrooms. These containers are for normal household waste only, not large items. All trash must be separated. Please put metal and glass in one bag and all else in another bag. Because all trash collected outside of Avalon is shipped to the mainland, boaters are urged to take their trash home with them. The trash pick-up vessel services all leeward coves during summer months. Contact the Harbor Patrol on VHF 9 or (310) 510-4253 for pick-up times.
Environmental Protection and Sewage Discharge
Overboard discharge of sewage in U.S. territorial waters is illegal. Discharge of sewage (including treated sewage) and pollutants (including detergents or emulsifiers on fuel spills) into the waters surrounding Catalina Island is strictly prohibited and will subject vessel owners to the termination of any existing Sublease or other moorage agreement and/or the privileges of mooring in Two Harbors. Oil absorbent materials must be used in the bilge. The use of non-biodegradable soaps and disinfectants in vessel wash-down water is prohibited. All dock hoses must be equipped with automatic shut-off nozzles. All vessels shall be subject to the inspection and dye testing of the vessel’s marine sanitation facilities by the Harbor Department. Any unlawful discharge, dye test failure or refusal to permit inspection or dye testing shall result in the immediate expulsion from Two Harbors and, at Operator’s election, a non-curable breach of the Sublease or other moorage agreement. Environmental Best Management Practices (BMPs) have been developed and are set forth in detail in Attachment A to these Rules and Regulations. All Mooring Subleases and other vessel owners and operators are required to adhere to these BMPs any time their boat is in Two Harbors. The BMPs are posted in Operator’s Two Harbors village office.
Pump Out Service
All solid and liquid waste must be disposed of in designated facilities. Cat Harbor is serviced by a Pump-Out boat. The main float in the isthmus has a Pump-Out station. Pump out service in Cat Harbor is available upon request and can be requested on Channel 9. The owner of the vessel is responsible for handling the hose on the pump out boat.
Marine Fuel Dock
Gas, diesel, and water are available year-round at the Fuel Dock. Propane is available onshore. Hours of operation (currently 8AM to 4PM, with extended hours in the summer) shall be posted at the Fuel Dock and the Harbor Department office. Fuel sales must be paid for at the time of delivery. Fueling of vessels may occur only at the Fuel Dock. No wash downs are permitted.
Pier and Dinghy Docks
Isthmus Pier is only to be used by Shoreboats and the Harbor Patrol, although quick passenger unloading is allowed. No unattended vessels are allowed at Isthmus Pier. Dinghy docks (for small boats under 14 feet in length, that are carried on or towed behind a larger boat as a tender) are located in Isthmus Cove and Cat Harbor where temporary docking (no more than 72 hours) is provided while the owner and/or guests of vessels registered to moor at Two Harbors come ashore. Long bow lines are required to tie dinghies to the dock. Personal watercraft (vessels which use an inboard motor powering a water jet pump as its primary source of motive power and are designed to be operated by a person sitting, standing, or kneeling on the watercraft) are not permitted to tie up at either dinghy dock. Skateboarding, riding bicycles (including motorized bikes), motorized transport devices, and roller skating/roller blading are not permitted on the pier or docks. In the event of any violation of these docking rules, the vessel, dinghy and/or personal watercraft shall be towed off the dock and placed on a mooring ball (full transient mooring fees shall be applied). Shoreboat service to and from the pier and docks may be hailed by horn, flashlight, via VHF 9 or (310) 510-4253.
Mooring Changes
Operator shall have the unfettered discretion to move vessels or vehicles, wherever they may be or come to be located, for the protection of life, property, or for the best utilization of Two Harbors. Operator also reserves the right to reassign and/or switch moorings and allocate the use of any moorage space as it deems necessary.
Rafting Policy
All Rafting (tying multiple boats side to side) shall be subject to mooring fees and Harbor Department restrictions. Rafting may not be too close to adjacent vessels, may not drag or in any way damage or cause undue stress to moorings, may not interfere with ordinary mooring use, and may not interfere with safe and normal harbor maneuverability. Rafted vessels include any vessel with lines attached to any moored vessel, including those vessels anchored by the boat and tied with a stern line attached to a moored vessel. Rafted vessels are considered subject to mooring fees if they are in excess of 18 feet or have on board accommodations for sleeping. Skiffs and other small boats being used as tenders or dinghies are not considered rafted vessels and shall not be charged mooring fees.
Unattended Vessels
Mooring and anchorage in the Two Harbors area are intended for use on a transient basis. Vessels may not be left unoccupied on a mooring site or in an anchorage overnight without first receiving prior permission from the Harbor Department. As used herein, unattended means that the vessel owner or the owner’s agent is not aboard the vessel or fails to promptly respond when contacted by the Harbor Department to care for the vessel. In no event shall Operator or its members Department be responsible for damage to the vessel because of the failure to contact the owner or the agent in the event of weather or other conditions.
Vessels moored in the Two Harbors area must be seaworthy and may not have openings above the waterline that cannot be secured to sea except, at the discretion of the Harbor Department, during periods of maintenance as allowed by these Rules. In order to be deemed seaworthy all vessels must, at a minimum, be able to get underway on their own primary mechanical propulsion/power without the use of auxiliary kicker motors, must have an operable electrical system, must not be in a state of deterioration, must be water tight (minimal amount of water in bilge), and must be navigable. Vessel operators shall not abandon or allow their vessel, rowboat, skiff, dinghy, or raft to become unseaworthy or inoperable, fill with water, sink or become likely to sink, become derelict or deteriorated, seriously hinder navigation, pose a threat of danger or injury to vessel operators or others, represent a hazard to the natural environment, or create a public nuisance in Two Harbors (“Unsafe Vessels”).
Right of Inspection
The Harbor Department reserves the right to inspect any vessel at any time, and conduct a seaworthiness and operability test if the vessel is suspected to be unseaworthy or inoperable and may also inspect any vessel at any time for safety, firefighting, moving and mooring of the vessel in an emergency, or to prevent casualty or potential hazard or damage. This right of inspection, however, does not create any affirmative duty or responsibility to conduct any such inspections. Any vessel that, in the opinion of the Harbor Department, is in danger of sinking may be pumped out by Harbor Department personnel, and the costs thereof may be charged to the vessel owner. The Harbor Department will attempt to contact the owner of Unsafe Vessels in danger of sinking but shall incur no liability in connection with any failure to contact the owner or any action or inaction taken in connection with vessels at risk of sinking or which are otherwise unsafe. Operator is not an insurer of vessels and any and all cleanup costs and environmental damage caused as a result of oil/fuel discharge from sinking or sunk boats or vessels shall be recoverable from the registered owner, operator, or rentee of such vessel and/or from the parties to any moorage agreement.
Removal, Storage and Disposal of Vessels
The Harbor Department may immediately remove any abandoned or Unsafe Vessel (including vessels left unattended past the time covered by any paid moorage charges), without prior notice, unless the vessel, rowboat, skiff, dinghy, or raft does not present an immediate danger of serious injury to persons using such vessel or others, in which case the Harbor Department shall provide at least 24 hours' written notice before any removal. Any and all costs of pumping out and repairs, removal, and storage shall constitute maritime liens against the vessel and be recoverable from the registered owner, operator, or rentee of such vessel and/or from the parties to any Sublease or other moorage agreement. Vessel owners will be given at least 30 days written notice prior to any permanent disposal or auction of any abandoned or Unsafe Vessel that has not been removed by the vessel owner. Two Harbors may also remove any marine debris that is floating, sunk, partially sunk, or beached in Two Harbors or on a public waterway, public beach, or on state tidelands or submerged and may permanently dispose of said debris, without notice, 10 days after it is removed. Vessels may be chained for non-payment of moorage charges owed and will continue to be charged the moorage rate for the slip, plus all applicable fees including but not limited to, late fees, certified mail fees, disposal fees and/or and auction fees up until the date the vessel is disposed of or sold at auction.
Conduct or language, in any form of communication, directed at Operator’s staff and/or persons in the Two Harbors area that seriously alarms, annoys, harasses, or is detrimental to such person is strictly prohibited. When the conduct is of such a nature as would cause a reasonable person to suffer emotional distress and/or actually causes such distress, the conduct may result in the removal of the person responsible from Two Harbors and/or the termination of moorage without prior notice.
Personal Behavior
Behavior which disturbs or creates a nuisance for others in the Two Harbors area is prohibited. Drinking of alcoholic beverages, except in licensed premises, on private vessels, or in designated areas, is prohibited. No person under the influence of alcohol or drugs shall operate a motor vehicle or vessel in the Two Harbors area. Anyone intoxicated, drunk, or disorderly may be subject to fine and/or imprisonment as provided by law. Operation of vessels while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a felony. Minors (under 18) must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times.
Vessel Incident or Accident
Any person involved in any vessel incident or accident occurring in the Two Harbors area shall make a full report of the incident/accident to the Harbor Department office and Harbor Patrol.
Fireworks and Open Flames
The use of fireworks in the Two Harbors area is strictly prohibited. Cooking and open flames of any sort are prohibited on the walkways, docks, and piers.
Speed Limit
Vessels underway in the Two Harbors area shall be operated at minimum safe steerageway speed. Two Harbors is a NO WAKE zone. Vessel operators must observe the five-mile per hour, no-wake speed limit near mooring areas and anchorages and shall be subject to fines and penalties for violating Two Harbors’ no-wake speed limit.
All persons in the mooring and harbor areas of Two Harbors must observe quiet hours between 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM. Excessively loud or amplified sound and music that disturbs other Two Harbors’ guests is not permitted at any time.
Quiet hours apply for all generator usage. For safety reasons, generators may not be running when going ashore. Commercial-grade generators are not allowed. Decibel levels must be below 60dB, (normal voice level). Any use of generators in violation of these rules should be reported to the Harbor Department on VHF channel 9.
Bright Lights
All bright deck and underwater lights must be dimmed during quiet hours.
Swimming and Diving
Vessel owners and their guests may swim and dive in the Two Harbors area strictly at their own risk and only if doing so does not interfere with other vessels and/or work by the Harbor Department. No swimming or diving by the pier or docks. Unless specifically authorized by the Harbor Department, swimming and diving during the hours of darkness is prohibited.
Fishing on the Isthmus pier, Isthmus main floating dock, Isthmus east floating dock (aka. the work float) and Cat Harbor dinghy dock is permitted year-round, except for when cross channel carriers, other vessel traffic, or emergency personnel require access to the docks to load or unload passengers and/or gear. Guests fishing on the dock will be asked to relocate during these times. Fishing using hook and line is permitted, fishing with hoop nets during lobster season is permitted. Clean and safe fishing practices will be enforced. If guests are making a mess using cut fishing bait or casting in a way that is hazardous to other guests or moored boats, they may be asked to leave these areas and fish elsewhere.
- Mess is defined as fish blood or bait on the dock, pier, ramps or floats.
- Hazardous casting is defined as overhead casting within feet of other guest, hitting boats or moorings with fishing weights, or snagging hooks in mooring lines.
Pets and Animals
Animals, with the exception of service dogs, are not allowed in the camping area, general store, or restrooms. Washing of any animals in the restrooms is not allowed under any circumstances. Dogs and other pets must be leashed at all times. Any person with a dog shall have in their possession a device or equipment for the picking up and removal of any dog feces and must immediately remove any such feces and dispose of it in a sanitary manner. Free refuse bags are available at the base of the pier. Animals may not be tied to patios, walkways or other places, and must not be left unattended. Any animal found unattended in Two Harbors will be turned over to the appropriate agency. Any animal that is a danger, threat or nuisance must be immediately removed from Two Harbors by its owner. Violations of these rules will result in a fine of $200. Please be advised that the Catalina fox population is still recovering from an outbreak of canine distemper virus and that all pets should therefore have all of their current shots, including the distemper vaccination. Wildlife on the island shall not be fed, disturbed or harassed.
The posting of signs for the sale, charter, or rental of vessels moored in the Two Harbors area shall be subject to approval by the Harbor Department. The posting of signs with profanity, vulgarity, pornography, or similar nature are prohibited and must be removed at the request of the Harbor Department.
Fees and Charges
All fees, charges, and fines of any nature prescribed by Operator shall be charged and collected under the authority of the Sublease or these Rules and Regulations. Operator reserves the right to deny use of Two Harbors for moorage or all other purposes to those persons who fail to comply with these Rules and Regulations, Harbor procedures, provide proper documentation, or who fail to pay fees and charges promptly when due.
Use of float space is in common with all other licensees and such use is intended solely for the purpose of mooring vessels. No other property rights are conveyed with a standard moorage agreement. No one may place equipment, build structures, or modify existing structures in the Two Harbors area without the written approval of Operator. No material, including but not limited to fenders, bumpers, and satellite dishes, shall be attached to marina structures without approval from Operator. Any such attachments may be subject to removal by Operator without any liability for the removal of such additions. Sublessees and other owners and operators shall be liable for any damage caused to any mooring and for the costs of repair.
Commercial Use
No commercial use of the Two Harbors area, including AirBnB, VBRO or other rental usage, is permitted without prior written approval from Operator. Vendors who are not approved will not be allowed to work in the Two Harbors area and may be denied access. Work performed on vessels moored at Two Harbors must be accomplished in such a manner as to avoid interference with other users and must not constitute any hazard to persons, property, or environment. Such persons, agents, or employees shall comply with all Operator, Harbor Department, municipal, county, state, and federal laws, ordinances, resolutions, rules, and regulations.
Liability Insurance
Users of the Two Harbors facilities do so at their own risk. Operator shall not be responsible for any property damage, theft, or personal injury, including death, unless caused by the willful act or sole gross negligence of Operator. Sublessees and other vessel owners shall maintain comprehensive marine liability insurance with limits of not less than $300,000 per occurrence and aggregate, with coverage for pollution liability in such amounts as may be required by applicable laws. Failure to provide and maintain valid insurance documentation may be grounds for termination of moorage privileges.
Attachment A
Environmental Best Management Practices
The Catalina Island Company, Operator of Two Harbors, is committed to preserving and enhancing the environment through proper management of activities in the Two Harbors area. In accordance with California State Lands guidelines, United States Coast Guard regulations, and the Federal Clean Water Act, the following Best Management Practices have been established towards the goal of safekeeping our harbors and the marine environment. These practices and procedures represent the bare minimum standards that vessel owners and operators should follow. In the event that the preceding Rules and Regulations set forth stricter and/or more specific practices and procedures, those stricter and/or more specific practices and procedures shall govern vessels in the Two Harbors area.
Bilge Water Management
Keep bilge area as dry as possible.
Regularly check fittings, fluid lines, engine seals, and gaskets.
Fix all oil and fuel leaks in a timely manner.
Do not drain oil into the bilge.
Fit a drain pan, if feasible, underneath the engine to collect drips and leaks.
Consider the use of oil-absorbent pads, even in small boats.
If a bilge contains oil, absorb as much free oil as possible with a pad. Then pump the bilge dry and wipe down the bilge and equipment. If a bilge is severely contaminated, use a pump out service. Never pull the drain plug on a boat with a bilge full of oil, especially if it is on a launch ramp.
Dispose of oil-soaked absorbents at a proper facility. Check with the marina operator for guidance.
Do not use detergents or bilge cleaners unless the bilge can be pumped into an appropriate facility.
Petroleum Containment
Fill portable fuel containers on land or on the fuel dock to reduce the chance of fuel spills into the water.
Avoid overfilling fuel tanks and attend the fuel nozzle at all times.
Perform all major engine maintenance away from surface water. Any maintenance work on an engine must be done in compliance with rules and regulations governing the marina.
Use petroleum absorption pads while fueling to catch splash back and any drops when the nozzle is transferred back from the boat to the fuel dock.
Keep engines properly maintained for efficient fuel consumption, clean exhaust, and fuel economy. Follow all manufacturers’ specifications.
Immediately report oil and fuel spills to the marina office and the U.S. Coast Guard National Response Center (Phone # 1 (800) 424-8802) and other appropriate agencies.
Hazardous Materials
Improper handling of hazardous materials can cause harm to human health and the environment and can result in serious penalties and expensive cleanup costs if contaminations occur.
Hazardous wastes generated by recreational boaters are considered household hazardous waste. Dispose of household hazardous waste in properly marked containers if provided by the marina or at the nearest appropriate site.
Vessel Sewage
Boaters should never pump out any holding tank in waters inside the three nautical mile limit. Always remember that it is illegal to discharge raw sewage from a vessel into U.S. waters.
Pump-out facilities should be used to dispose of stored waste whenever possible. They are fast, clean, and inexpensive.
Marine sanitation devices (MSDs) must be maintained to operate properly. Keep your disinfectant tank full, use biodegradable treatment chemicals, and follow the manufacturer's suggested maintenance program.
Do not dispose of fats, solvents, oils, emulsifiers, disinfectants, paints, poisons, phosphates, diapers, and other similar products in MSDs.
Whenever possible, use land-based rest rooms rather than onboard ones.
Vessel Cleaning and Maintenance
Ask your marina manager what types of maintenance projects are allowed in the slip.
Minimize the use of soaps and detergents by washing your vessel more frequently with plain water.
Do not use cleaners that contain ingredients such as ammonia, sodium, chlorinated solvents, or lye.
Use hose nozzles that shut off when released to conserve water and reduce the runoff from boat washing.
Ventilate your space to prevent the accumulation of flammable or noxious fumes.
Use eye protection and a respirator when there is the possibility that dust and debris could damage eyes or lungs.
Remove oil, debris and clutter from your immediate work area and dispose of properly.
Avoid spills in the water of all solvents, paints and varnishes.
Carefully read labels to ensure the products are used in a manner that is safe and won’t harm the environment.
Use teak cleaners sparingly and avoid spilling them or fiberglass polishers in the water.
Sanding and Painting
When working in marinas, use designated sanding and painting areas. Check with the marina manager for the location and proper use of these areas.
Work indoors or under cover whenever wind can potentially blow dust and paint into the open air.
Where feasible, use environmentally friendly tools, such as vacuum sanders and grinders, to collect and trap dust. Some marinas have this equipment for rent, check with the manager.
Clean up all debris, trash, sanding dust, and paint chips immediately following any maintenance or repair activity.
Use a drop cloth beneath the hull to catch sanding dust and paint drops when working over unpaved surfaces.
When sanding or grinding hulls over a paved surface, vacuuming or sweeping loose paint particles is the preferred cleanup method. Do not hose the debris away.
Buy paints, varnishes, solvents, and thinners in sizes appropriate for the proposed work to avoid having to dispose of stale products.
When possible, use water-based paints and solvents.
Switch to longer lasting, harder, or non-toxic antifouling paint at your next haul out.
Paints, solvents, and reducers should be mixed far from the water's edge and transferred to work areas in tightly covered containers of 1 gallon or less.
Keep in mind that solvents and thinners may be used more than once by allowing the solids to settle out and draining the clean product off the top.
When in doubt about proper disposal practices, check with your marina and/or appropriate government agency.
Boaters should report any illegal discharge of boat sewage to the marina office or appropriate agency.
Boaters should use environmentally sensitive cleaning supplies that may end up in your gray water.
Boat Hull Cleaning and Maintenance
Ensure hull paint is properly applied and maintained to protect the hull from fouling organisms and thus improve your boat’s performance.
Wait 90 days after applying new bottom paint before underwater cleaning.
Schedule regular hull cleaning and maintenance to reduce the build up of hard marine growth and eliminate the need for hard scrubbing.
Regularly scheduled gentle cleaning will also increase the effectiveness of the antifouling hull paint and extend its useful life.
Repair paint bonding problems at haul out to avoid further chipping and flaking of paint in the water.
Use, or ask your diver to use, non-abrasive scrubbing agents, soft sponges or pieces of carpet to reduce the sloughing of paint and debris.
Boaters are encouraged to use boat hull cleaning companies and individuals that practice environmentally friendly methods.
Solid Waste
Do not dump plastic or any other trash into the water.
Use the dumpsters, trash receptacles and other approved containers to dispose of garbage and other waste.